mardi 22 avril 2008

Age of Conan... a new era ;)

Je lisais un peu dans les forum et je suis tombé sur un post assez constructif a mon avis:

«It's a little hard to wrap your head around at first, that's all. And like I said so many times already, most people in Gamespot PvP beta were dumb as bricks, I really hope it wasn't indicative of the kind of people that would be in the game after launch.

WoW had solid targetting. Target X, hit 1. You get a hit, a miss or an out of range message. Very good for WoW's target audience, anyone between age 8 and 80. In Tabula Rasa you aim in the general direction of the target and squeeze the trigger, dice roll, you get a hit or a miss, either-or. Also good, because anyone who played anything from the original Doom to Crysis will know what to do. In Pirates of the Burning Sea, it's same as WoW, target, press button, get out of range or hit/miss.

In AoC, you need to actually be hitting the target, that is, your weapon has to occupy the same physical space as the target for it to have an above 0% chance of hitting. Most people have severe emotional problems when they find out that merely being close and pressing 1 does not mean it'll hit, because I have leaped backwards while they run around doing some serious damage to the empty air. You can't hop and hit at the same time. This really horrifies all the ninjas. And yes, I'll admit that as a druid in WoW I did more than my fair share of spin jumping and moonfire spam, but this just can't be done in AOC. People also don't realize that a 2-hander going in an arc that covers 3 people WILL hit 3 people. This game has so much AoE it is not even amusing, but most people miss it entirely.

They also hate the combo system for a variety of reasons, the main one being that if they fight someone with a brain, and they see a combo coming, they will get the hell out of dodge. It's part of the reason why I went from Herald of Xotli to Tempest of Set and Barbarian. When my HoX started to do a high damage combo without AoE snare first, he would start glowing, and anyone with any brain at all (so 1 in 100 fights) would immediately hop sideways and avoid a big huge combo that would take half his health off. Of course it will upset people, because it actually depends on skill. Imagine rogue in WoW going for a Kidney Shot and a caster just hopping away, and now Kidney Shot is cooling off? Imagine all the crying on Rogue forums then, not that it would be any different from a normal day.

That's all part of AoC being a totally new game as far as MMOs go. It does something that no MMO has done before. Graphically it is the most sophisticated (if you don't think so, you need a better PC), richest in animations (take WoW, Tabula Rasa and Pirates of the Burning Sea, AoC has more animations than all 3 put together), with a unique combat system. So naturally some people just didn't get it. Those that did became quite deadly.»

hehe ;) pour tout ceux que ca interesse!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

moonfire spam FTW lol

c cool comme resume .

Le jeux ye pas sortie jespere pq les facture sont dans mon portefeuil chez nous... au pire tu fouillera hahahahaha